Hello CYT North Idaho Seniors! As we embark on this, the twilight of your era at CYT, let us celebrate the productions and the people that are launching you out into the world. Brace yourselves to relive some of your favorite past productions and give a last hurrah to your time at CYT! We will be putting together a showcase with selections from numbers that have been meaningful to you, incorporating dance, drama, and voice. This class will make you laugh, it will make you cry - it will become a part of you!
Prerequisite: CYT SENIORS only - must have completed ALL Cores.
Paisley Siemens is a CYT North Idaho alumni, her first show with CYT dating back to 2008. As well as being involved in CYT, Paisley is also a trained dancer and has taken classes in ballet, jazz, lyrical, tap and hip hop and has been teaching dance for the past ten years. Along with her dance training she also has an AA in Music from North Idaho College. Paisley has loved being involved over the years in many different aspects of CYT including being a summer camp counselor and choreographer , teaching dance classes and musical theatre classes, directing shows and choreographing for both CYT and CCT productions. Paisley is also a dance instructor at Northern Dance Academy. She is extremely excited to be teaching for CYT this session and to be able to be part of a new generation of CYT students as they experience the program.
If is auditioning, at least 1 guardian must sign up for a Production Team. Please select your preferred choice, however your Production Team is subject to change.
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