Why Support CYT?

Christian Youth Theater is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit educational organization.  Since revenue from ticket sales and class tuition is not enough to cover operating costs, every dollar you contribute assures that CYT can continue to deliver top-notch affordable programming and achieve its goals in developing character in children and adults one stage at a time.

"It is not just a theater education program, it teaches you how to be responsive and part of a group and learn how to interact with others who have different opinions. At CYT you don't even know you are learning things, you are just having fun and in the process you are being taught some amazing lifelong skills."  

Chloe Rutherford, CYT Alumni

Theater Matters. Really!

Children who participate in theater with CYT have the opportunity to develop invaluable skills for successful adulthood. While having fun auditioning, learning lines, rehearsing and taking classes, kids also learn to:
  • Lead, follow, and cooperate
  • Work behind the scenes
  • Be responsible in the spotlight
  • Make and meet commitments
  • Solve problems
  • Practice public speaking
  • Exercise respect for authority
  • Recognize talent in themselves and others

Families need help. Right now.

We all know the poor economy is pressing in on everyone, but especially on those who live paycheck to paycheck. Out of necessity, the first things to be cut in a family's budget are extra-curricular activities. Kids grow up quickly -- now is the time they have to benefit from quality programs like CYT. The longer and more consistently children can participate, the better. This is where you fit in. You get to be a hero to a kid in need.
You win. They win. It's pretty simple. The best part is that you can actually see the kids you support grow and excel. CYT's top-notch theater productions give you the opportunity to see your donation dollars at work in a very exciting way.

Our well established and stable 501(c)3 non-profit organization will put your tax-deductible donation to immediate and excellent use. Every dollar stays in your community, going to children who might otherwise miss out on all the benefits live theater has to offer. Your gift will have a tremendous impact in the lives of hundreds of kids!


1. How often would you like to give?

2. Your gift amount.

Select your donation's designation:

Donor Benefits

CYT relies on the donations of patrons so we can provide quality theater education. According to “The Value and Quality of Arts Education: A Statement of Principles”, students who participate in the arts do better in school, stay in school longer, and win more academic awards. They are also three times more likely to go to college and become more confident, considerate, pro-social and pro-civic citizens! Your generous donation ensures that our students are given these benefits, so that they can go on to build a stronger world for future generations.

Thank You!

Please help us in supporting these businesses that so graciously gave to our After Party!


As a non-profit, CYT North Idaho is extremely grateful for any and all donations we receive.  We have recently added another avenue for giving to become a little easier for you - VENMO!  
Please go to @CYTNorthIdaho to make a contribution today that will help enrich the lives of local students and families, and as always, we truly appreciate your generous gift!


CYT aims to give access to theater arts for all kids regardless of their financial situation. As such, CYT makes scholarships available to families in need. Scholarships are available for 50% or 25% off tuitions. Your donations help give kids, who wouldn’t otherwise have the chance, an opportunity to participate in our programs.

CYT North Idaho

Mailing Address:
579 W Hayden Ave
Hayden, ID 83835

Phone: (208) 660-9870 text or voice message

Contact Us